something nice for you to see before i continue my uhh, post hahaha.
i've found my idol today! :D joking, but i think this guy is damn cool. LOOK! he's "situated" outside the tampines mrt station. Street artist i guess. Street artists are COOOOOLLLL
i swear, this photo looks nowhere like the real piece of art. dude, its not a photo. its spray painted using ONLY newspaper, plastic container covers and wooden boards. No professional tools, just cans of spraycans.
Done in 10 minutes. its around A3 size and made me fish out 15 bucks from my wallet, but who cares. i think its cool. Its not SUPER NICE, but its cool. 8)
you'll see it hanging on my door soon, if you come to my house! :D
AND I LOVE THE WHATEVER BABY! whatever! pangsai sister and i are going to have babies in the future, hers will say "anything" and mine will say "whatever" and somebody else's would say "LAMEEE" hahaha
[beware, its a sea of red and orange and yellow o.O written in a moment of anger hahaha. let me laugh at this ten years down the road. OMG I THINK I'M GAY. but there's a reason why i'm especially overreacting. check archives if you Have time. which i don't think you have oO]
there comes a point in time when i get pissed, and here's the day where i get pissed. Well, in the morning that is, because i was back to my jumpy self when the end of school was nearing.
Needless to say, the reason why i'm pissed was because of our...Fantastic school that nurtures countless creative thinkers, learners and honorable servant-leaders. Ouch, my foot.
I've got to say, the student body is fantastic, most/some of the teachers are wonderful or fine, but there's always a few thorns that stick out. They pierce into our skin and since our bodies are not used to the foreign particles, we get irritated with it and have the strong urge to remove them. They're irritants, and we can't take it anymore. Just get those thorns out of our lives. Somebody pass me those pairs of tweezers.
Here's my third post expressing my great concern about how our school is improving. Do we see ourselves soaring to greater heights? Do I see myself creating fond memories in this school? Right now, the only fond memory i can think of, is of the entire school going against the current system. Which almost succeeded today, but in the end didn't. Hey friend, that was absolutely great anyway.
Sad to say, i don't think the centre of excellence in sports appreciates our opinions. Our voices don't matter, we're just their chess pieces. They're banging their chess pieces against the chessboard, thinking "what the hell is wrong with you? win for me, win for me!" ..and they proceed to stepping all over their chess pieces. I'm sorry, but if the chess player doesn't play it properly, there is no way he can win. There's nothing wrong with the chess pieces, Its the way the chess player thinks.
would stepping on those pieces help you win the game? no. You'll just make them fall into pieces in front of you, or they'll just hop away, far far away from your existence. And then you scream, "didn't I already try my best for the sake of them?" I'm sorry, i certainly do not think so.
1) Now tell me, would it help if ALL CAMPS FROM THE PERFORMING ARTS ARE TO BE REMOVED? tell me, if we are not bonded as a cca, as a team, would we be able to achieve what we're supposed to achieve? Camps are the key to bonding, if we don't have them, would we be able to know each other well? Would we hold the passion for our ccas this way? In what way would the removal of camps help in our studies? Does 3 days make a great difference to our results? It'll certainly make a difference in our lives, it makes a difference just knowing how ridiculous this is.
2) Did you hear, publicity and functions of the Student's council are merging? They're going to extract the most suitable candidates to form......behold, the disciplinary council. They're going to take in new members and remove some from existing councils. So now, we have RnE, Welfare, Functions/Pub and..the disciplinary council. I'm not very sure what they'll name it, probably the pride of the anglicans. Or the anglican army. However, I am not going to hold any form of grudges against the pitiful councillors joining it. They're the ones suffering more than us, so you'll still be gladly accepted in our community, no problem.
3) They're also taking away all existing funds in the RnE's bank account. For what, i'm not sure. Probably for the stadium. Which we won't even get to use. Before you say I'm being selfish, and that its for the future of the later batches, I've been told that if the sports students do not want us to use the facilities, then we shall not. Reliability of this source is not like L5 in the LORMS or anything, but i'll see it as a high possibility of it going to happen, considering the state of our school right now. However, the sports students are still eventually students and our friends, there's a really high chance they'll share it with us, so I'm not worrying about this yet.
These are all from yesterday's General meeting for the Student councillors, I bet there'll be more to it that i haven't heard from yet, since it was such a long one.
4) Concerning the hair issue, I'm still not convinced on why we should all look like freaking idiots. What's wrong with having nice hair, as long as they're not TOO fashionable, we're still fit to be called students. Its not like we'll get distracted from our studies just because we have a strand of hair sticking out, so we'll have to comb it back into place. I don't see why having sideburns would make us unacceptable anglicans. Times are changing, even nanyang has accepted girls to keep their hair long since a few years ago. With that, the majority of us students believe that they want us to look just like them, that's why. We're very convinced that's the case.
5) About class cleaniness, I personally do not feel that is very wrong. So, there's no way to say that i'm complaining just for the sake of complaining. Its not like i'll blame the school for giving us tests as the prelims are nearing, we are all reasonable. However, I think keeping our class clean is what we should like to do for our class, not what we HAVE to do just because we're afraid of the vp walking past and giving our teachers and us a hard time.
6) Its the same theory as the calendars. They say, take it as a form of donation for your school. But, DONATION means you have a CHOICE on whether you want to give money to the school. donation is sharing, donation is giving. Donation comes with a thought of kindness, it comes from your heart. Donation is not defined as "forcing students to give money". I'd rather we spend some time on funfairs, its at least much more meaningful for us.
7) That being said, I wonder why our handbook is in its pitiful state? I shall not harp about this matter anymore though, time has allowed me to accept the fact that our school is merely saving up for the stadium. I'll courteously take that as a form of "not wasting money". I'm cool with that.
8) Lastly, i feel that in order for us to respect others, we must first be respected. If your mom lost something and said to you "find my xxx! where did it go?", most likely you'll reply "i don't know, i didn't even see it anywhere please". I know we're supposed to respect the elders, but we are not slaves or servants. [at least there's still the word LEADER behind "servant"] Scolding ridiculously would certainly not gain you respect.
9) Please look to your right and click on any random link of active bloggers. Everybody's blogging about yesterday. I'm not the only one who thinks the school is being highly unreasonable. I emphasize, we are not studying in a concentration camp, we are students with a free will, to want to study for the sake of ourselves and not for the sake of the school.
10) We can manage our own time, we are old enough, and we do not need adults worrying for us, like how having camps would deplete us of our precious studying time. Since time management seems so important to the school [that i strongly agree], wouldn't it be our RESPONSIBILITY to manage our own time? If our results are to spiral down, there are other factors to our performance. Maybe the school should just encourage parents to wreck all our computers. That's their mindset. Take away everything that's distracting us through force. Not let us reflect and learn from our mistakes.
when a student is willing to type out 1310 words on her thoughts, it shows her strong resistance to the current system. When many students are ready to express their thoughts through their own way, It shows we share the same opinion.
If a student is to be severely punished for penning down her thoughts, with no personal attacks, let her just sigh and regret about herself putting Anglican high as her choice four years ago.
LOOK! our happy fishburger! :D
and i've influenced pangsai sister to become like riane and i LOLLLL.
Get well soon dear annia and felicia and whoever's sick,
i also think most of our teachers are good :D
tag replies 16jan
leongying`: yay for emma!
{hahaha yay for the school manxxzxz~}
Jac: Hi Emma! How is Hamice doing? No photos of the little darling? Hehe!
{haha hello jac! hamice is doing fine! i'll take them soonnnnn! :D}
isabel: i absolutely love today's post! can put on newspaper!!

isabel: i couldnt say it better myself XD
{THANKYOU :D its all facts anyway, such ridiculous stuff}

{PAMEALALALALALA! hahah ty too :D *whistles back* hahaha :D}
ashley: grrrrr my super short fringe oso cannot siighhhhs I HATE TT STUPIID BARNEY lolol nvm juz felt lyk ranting hahas!
{sighhhhhh my two stuff at the side also cannot ahhhh. LOL good, everybody's ranting xD}
GB: lol i also cut my hair. now uber uber uber UBER UBER UBER short O.o hahas.
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